Sunday, May 10, 2020

fearfight, Kristian Proud

you have to realize that it's not really a fight at all. you are making it a fight.
it is more like... a sudden victory, where nothing real is harmed or threatened...
because nothing real is ever harmed or threatened.
to realize one is not really afraid of the darkness... but what lurks beneath.
i admired this darkness for being so wise and so sleek.
i was only ever afraid of not being able to see.
but what is there, real to see,
when the feeling sets you free?
the only darkness is the light, which i call darkness because it is not wholly understood and addressed.
with a higher, deeper, broader, and more focused point of view,
I see now that the only one worthy of worship is the Nu.
now, the monsters of whom we are faced may be hard to understand at first, 
but in remembrance of the truth that we all are of the same essence,
we are saved.
saved by ourselves,
the only one who ever could.
the only one who could perceive the broken parts as something good.
all beings are bound to the very same web of life.
you are your demons and your angels,
and as they multiply,
your dragons too, shall fortify
your very truth.
how can we fear what and who we know as ourselves?
this is why self-love is the root to the world’s troubles.
when we identify with it all,
we love from bedrock through the rubble,
up and into the sky.
redefining deep, 
realigning high.

Kristian Proud is an independent eclectic all-around artist and renaissance man based around Rochester, NY. His first book Majesty & Travesty is now available on Amazon, and he is currently working on more poetry as well as a series of sci-fi fantasy stories.

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