Monday, December 9, 2019

Two Poems by Mark Young

at least six toxic gases

The Galaxy came to Toyota
Stadium on Saturday after-
noon. This was their chance,
as we embarked on a new
century, to give a gift of great
value to future generations.
Turned out our browser
didn't recognize any of the
video formats currently avail-
able & the opportunity was lost.
Spectators under the control
of the Post & Telegraph depart-
ment were forced to pay a fee.

A line from Clara B. Jones

Death begins prior to death. Swimmers
perform synchronized routines that
mimic those playful crayon lines little
brother uses. It interrupts itself inter-

minably. The ecological correlates of
these patterns are marked in black ink,
sourced from lampblack, a substance
made in turn by burning tung oil or

pine resin, & produced for decorating
screens that were salvaged & remounted
as hanging scrolls because their usage dam-
aged them. Those very books themselves

record their own deaths, but also note
their reformation as a kind of resurrection.
Evoke the phoenix, hoping that, like the
terracotta warriors, they will return to life.

Mark Young lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia, & has been publishing poetry since 1959. He is the author of over fifty books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, & art history. His work has been widely anthologized, & his essays & poetry translated into a number of languages. His most recent books are The Perfume of The Abyss from Moria Books; A Vicarious Life — the backing tracks from otata; taxonomic drift from Luna Bisonte Prods; & Residual sonnets from Ma Press of Finland.

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