Monday, October 7, 2019

Two Poems by Charlie Becker

After Rilke

My own life timid
standing high and growing,
my own quiet and breathless
the song of summer birds
in tune with church carillons,
round and solid
everyday stronger
like the oldest redwoods
at the height of June,
my own,
opening its eyes
smiling from the corneas,
sure of itself
and what it has become,
the next moment
being a star
holding onto sunlight
jumped from silver to setting
and used for a galaxy
that has never been so visible.         

When We Sleep

Winter nights
I lie
in bed 
and wait
for rain,
something I seem
to want
more and more,
its quiet empathy
from frivolous snow
or a perfect cloudless sky
more internal
less transient
and I listen
for the space
between drops
so in the morning
there might be
song sparrows.

Charlie Becker is a retired speech and language specialist who continues to bring poetry to under-served high school students in Los Angeles through the Living Writers Series. Charlie uses poems from his book, Friends My Poems Gave Me, published by World Stage press in 2016, to inform and sensitize his students to issues confronting marginalized LGBT-Q seniors and disabled seniors, as well. Charlie has been part of a writing group, which meets on the University of Southern California Campus, called the Community Literature Initiative (CLI), for the past six years. Some of his poems have been published in Rush Magazine (Mount St. Mary’s University Press, 2018), Passager Books Poetry Contest (Honorable Mention, 2018), Extreme: An Anthology for Social and Environmental Justice (2018), and The Dandelion Review (2019). 
Charlie lives in West Hollywood, California.

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