disallow purity with
ion channels, epoxy
genome omens, below a
tedious umlaut. Interpretosis,
with its faciality,
rites lack. Half Hyksos, half Mongol, repairs
Christ’s tunic for the nine dark calends gone.
Starve macron, breve
ribs when frailty takes toll,
dispatch stibnite
(Latin: lapis philosophorum). Thanks
kinescopic mesoentax. Stride out the ninth
module (which is just
below the sixth).
Ricochet the semtex (“rabot”): discomfiture’s
ebb and flow,
demophobia. The convex mirror
in van Eyck’s Arnolfini Wedding reflects a JAIL THREAT
PHONESTERS. Defacto twerk’s
00/05/2004,x86,win32 substitutes
Hamlet for Alceste.
Not a thing-in-itself, but rather as a
compounded unity,
comeuppance, implanted in vitro in host mothers.
(Scholium BLT on Iliad II.27=21B32). Score pedantic
with the Übertragung, the transferre, the crossing over, back
and forth. Curb head. Sieg it up, Bobby Wheelock.
Delta 87. [SL 2004 IRL]
Let a1, · · · , an be positive
real numbers,
n > 1. In
the crowd, tutelage agents collect refuse, build
cairns, inhumate or aspirate on ε in the word ‘εν.
Dentition [… ] exceeds
elysium, in bliss, the nominalist
cuts zygotic. Declare
szenery, blots out pauses and upbears
insensate systems. Order = disorder; I= not-I; affirmation
negation: Kohanim offer the Priestly Benediction:
(Nu. 6: 24-26), the
‘anti-demonic psalm’ (Ps. 91), Lev. 26:42,
Ezek. 45:12, Deut.
11:12, Is. 62:4, Is. 45:18, Ps. 85:2, Ps. 67:2,
Deut. 28:8. “Blurb
on!”—slurp on, Anna Phylactic’s
progress from farce has
its symbolacric arena, (e.g. zombie
SS super-soldiers).
Here’s a usurer’s rerun in disavowal’s
Y. Harris is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. His
individual collections include The Tryst
of Thetica Zorg (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume II of his Posthuman Series, The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX,
2016), Volume I of his Posthuman Series, The
Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015) and Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013). His
xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in BlazeVOX, The Denver Quarterly, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, The
New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, Poetry Salzburg Review and Stride. He holds an M.Div from The
University of Chicago and is Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of X-Peri. His
website is danielyharris.com.