Friday, April 19, 2019

Selections from Spirits In The Albino Hotel (throwing antlers) by J. Karl Bogartte

The Guardians by J. Karl Bogartte

Secrecy is the spectrum of ridiculous joy. The vertiginous scent of cursive tracks, still warm to the touch, ignited by your breath of forgery and kisses. Predatory eyes, cruelty of the mouth, breeding with flowers. Spring is an obscene dance of the intangible… That otherness coming to meet you in the darkness beneath the sun. Her bones are singing sweetly, incoherent spelling…


What is planted in night’s belly, a long-tailed grimoire to mink the utterings of minx, dipping underneath, the sundial of enchanted pores. Ghostly personages forced through the space of less time than it takes to either repel them, or give in to their own daylight longing. The watchtower will always remain incomplete, sirens go up in smoke, and your eyelids are flickering madly in the mirror of the aerialists.


By animal warmth and eyelight, shaking the heron rattle in the lightning bed, cutting night into ladders and depth of field. The entrances grow further apart, the others growing more ambiguous, raising a deeper turbulence of instinct… To mingle with fury, elasticity for the body’s aboriginal web.


There are beautiful engines barricading the streets, soft and liquid bestiaries, sirens of anatomical window-games. At the edge of time the elder’s lens appears without hesitation, sharing conundrum and pineal gland melodies. For a seasonal molting, to replace not the bees spinning their sheets of glass, but the Keepers dreaming that once upon a time will come, heavy with bells flourishing inside the starlight ovens. Shaping lead into fusible gifts. Replace the words with shrieks of nightingales, beneath the skin, startled, lightning shaped. Fluorite-enabled. Transparent as water. Missing in Peru…

J. Karl Bogartte is an artist/poet and involved in international surrealism.

His writing has been included in Paraphilia Magazine, The Fiend, X- Peri, Diaphanous,
Numéro Cinq (online) and Peculiar Mormyrid, Analogon 65, la vertèbre et le rossignol (in print). He has published 11 books of prose poems and Antibodies a surrealist novella. His most recent books are Auré, The Spindle’s Arc, And Still The Navigators… His newest collection Spirits In The Albino Hotel throwing antlers will be published in the summer of 2019.

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