I am pleased to present this interview with Daniel Y. Harris. Along with being Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of X-Peri, a stream for high experimentalism, Harris is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. Topics covered here include the writing process, the evolution of his Posthuman Series, The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic (forthcoming from BlazeVOX [books]), a foray into the elusive "I" and "it," respectively, among others. Included in his responses, you will find select pieces from the Posthuman Series as well.
DCW: How long have you been working on The
Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic? What does your writing process look like?
DYH: The Reincarnation
of Anna Phylactic, Volume
III (Manuscript), The
Tryst of Thetica Zorg,
Volume II (BlazeVOX, 2018) & The
Rapture of Eddy Daemon, Volume I (BlazeVOX, 2016) are the oeuvre, to date, of my Posthuman
Series, launched in 2016. The Posthuman series can be characterized as invoking a
posthuman praxis, a shift in the humanistic paradigm and its
anthropocentric Weltanschauung.
Posthumanism’s epistemology is a post/meta/trans,
enacted through its emergent ontology and critique of biocentrism. The
xperimentalism at the center of my Posthuman Series is a lingua franca comprised of algorithms with rhizomatic outlines:
dynamic, mutant, shifting.
The core trope of the Posthuman Series is the
algorithm: alteration of Middle
English algorisme, from the
Islamic mathematician, Arabic al-khuwārizmi, flourished a.d. 825
translated into Medieval Latin algorismus
during the 12th century under the title Algoritmi de numero Indorum.
Computer algorithms such as the Low Orbit
Ion Cannon (LOIC) and the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC), examples of the common
DDoS attack script, are the new phrankoi of an
xperimental poiesis whose intent it
is to create infinite variability as the new narrative. Algorithmics facilitate
a siphoning from a canonic trajectory by launching an aporia at the center of a plurivocity, part totum simul and part anagnorisis.
The Posthuman Series is a praxis which seeks
to reassemble the Western Canon as a malware maelstrom of over-competing
algorithms and agons modelled on the arch-classic Horatian Ode, “Exegi
monumentum aere perennius” (I have finished a monument more durable than
bronze). This “bronze” is capable of translating a symbol as infecund as a two
character Thai sequence into syncategorematic hyperlink. Via (λx.λy.(λz.(λx.z
x) (λy.z y)) (x y)), a Turing automata, constructing a CGI with an fMRI scan,
invents the new narrative with hexDump(“TELOUT”, buffer, len) using an HTTP
electracy, melds prosody with an infernal machine of computer viruses: ILOVEYOU,
Code Red, Melissa, Sasser, Zeus, Conficker, Stuxnet, Mydoom, CryptoLocker and
Flashback. The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic is launched:
Anna Phylactic + Storm Worm +
C_FILES = worm.c net.c hs.c
cracksome.c stubs.c (the
cardiac protein troponin or the
enzyme CK-MB)
+OFILES = worm.o net.o hs.o crack
some.o stubs.o PCSK9, SORT1, MIA3,
in these oneiric
a felix culpa’s remnant is redeemed.
Hegirascopes tap
V_USE_RS. Droit pénal et
n-dimensional RFIDs. Cuboids spurt Terza Rima,
wiþ a scharp darte, https://sharedassessments.org
Postcolonial hendecasyllables
our Onoma Eponymon in Draco+BOOL
lpReserved). Bz_11295_Mode1_A1.2_B1.0_C1.0
Beta=1.0 Gamma=1.0, disjecta membra’s
Prometheus pyrphoros +STDAPI APIENTRY
a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) as Cenobites
in Galatea 2.2. Centroid Gω
= G(ω1,ω2,ω3)
wefts a fine-abb’d Eblana flax, (pro anima famulae tuae)
= 0, sternal and vertibral. AV shebrood
feddog lungs
Ancient Greek: ἀνά, translit. ana, lit. ‘against’:
Øύλαξις, trans. phylaxis, ‘PROTECTION’.
hash function multba : U → [m] “Nunism” 4.6 found in sic
the hic and nunc (Bergsson: chapter 3, p.2f.), beg letraset.
caveats if(GetRandomModuleName(&sInfoBlock,
szDebugModuleName) != 0) return
0 for
Metametrica. On polypro film, skin pondus is stillicidio
or bemidbar in the rondeau. What rim
ballast? (Aias), 430-3:
Fig. 115: Oval Process Public Beta for Lemarchand’s
artery spasm triggers Bezold
reflex. FTP:BASHLITE (otherwise here as Lizard
Torlus, Gafgyt) in the Hebbian law: = 2sp2 − 4s
(s −
b) p + 2s(s − b)2 + 2sq2 − 4rsq + 2sr2
Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic (Manuscript)
Volume III, The Posthuman Series, (1.0)
By Algoritmi
de numero Indorum, the Posthuman Series crosses the mulitversal periphery,
but it does have algorithmic precursors in my oeuvre. In the seminal Hyperlinks
of Anxiety (Červená Barva
2013), DRAKONs melt
cryonicals—the bot blogoid inserts a SIM. In “Confessions of Blogger,” the
blogoid “Add (s) a mix of theurgy/and hyperlink to
neuts of gramme—I spin/henosis in blogland: neurons/in the wet gauze/of def,
spores of tag—the zot in the stasis/ of the Web:/.” In The
Bug in the Bait File, “An ecclesia of wings/enters ear/and net/Trojan or
worm/replicates/deadlock by/a bit rot glitch/of a software gland/in a
handle leak—.”
In The Underworld
of Lesser Degrees (NYQ
Books, 2015), as deus ex machina, a
cybot in the form of hypostasis declares “Faith
is anemic, propane/blue—sulphur-pox:/kelvin or rankine, scaled to a
thermodynamics/of absolute zero and zero/is the adiabat S = 0:/.”
Cybot curves its oblique asymptote with E/N/C/R/Y/P/T/I/O/N
“Limbic behavior occurring at the daemon
bifurcation: the attracting/de-acting fpoint “collides” repelling period
q-cycle −1.401155 or −0.1528 + 1.0397i#@endtime, volution function
discrete/waxy non/post/ur/linear dynamical system: lap numbers of the iterates
Given the asumptōtos and misprision of
the precursor, the protagonists of the
Posthuman Series “Anna Phylactic,” “Thetica Zorg” and “Eddy Daemon” are comprised
of a dramaturgy of postbiological AIs rendered as Miraibots and DDoS viruses.
Each posthuman protagonist breaks away from hegemonic essentialism by
augmenting traditional narrative forms with cybernetics, genomics, neural
interfaces, algorithmics, molecular nanotechnology (MNT), whole brain
emulation (WBE), IMs (instant messaging), IRCs (internet relay chat) and
(MMORPGs) massively multiplayer online role-playing games.
In The
Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), Eddy Daemon emerges as the first
mature posthuman protagonist in The Posthuman Series, simultaneously
macranthropos, Shakespearean omniscient, self-overhearer and AI interface:
#16; //ethod java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V
an interface ethod on object objectref, whereas interface
is identified by ethod reference index in constant poolix
<< 8 + indeddyxbyte2) and count is the number
arguments to pop from the stack frame including the object
which the ethod is the sabprimd Eddy Daemon or greater
or equal to 1 jump to subroutine at branchoffset (signed int
ursigned bytes branchbyte1 << 24 + branchbyte2
< 16 + brdaemonnchbyte3 < 8 + branchbyte4) and the return
on the stack pushes a constant #index from a constant
pool (string, int, float or class
type) onto the stack (wide index
to deconstrax as indexbyte1 << 8 +
ideddyxbyte2) ext opcode,
opcode is either iload, fload, aload, lload, dload, istore,
astore, lstore, dstore, or ret, to assume the index is 16 bit;
execute minc, when the index is 16 bits of a bagouted E.bot.
The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX,
Invokevirtual #16; //ethod
java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V (P.48)
In The
Tryst of Thetica Zorg (BlazeVOX, 2018), in “Exergue I”, Thetica Zorg has
hybridized her/his “Godbot” digital torso with a DDoS virus, partially scripted
as “echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat.” Thetica Zorg
performs autofellatio and “The
Imps are born by remote homo ludens” (both the book, Homo Ludens, Huizinga, 1938 as well as
inborn play) “and CνB decoupled” (a
cosmic neutrino background at a temperature of roughly 1.95 K.), thus “in redshifts.” Finally, “in thresh
interfaces” internet “files are cast” as “WIN-BUGS FIX.EXE” and the virus
inseminates the Western Canon of Literature. (WinBUGS are the successor to
BUGS, the first program to perform Bayesian analysis of complex models using
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, and provided access to the functions
of BUGS through a Windows interface.) Transversal alliances between human and
posthuman agents are cast:
Exergue I
Thetica Zorg fingers trillian with
dark matter,
ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat viruses
error reports in backup patches. Agonic dystocia rub
urethras with doom primes
and algoritmi de numero indorum,
rouse manusturpare ICE v3s infecting
l’appel du vide.
The Imps are born by remote homo ludens and CνB
in redshifts, tugged by mashup deities or stellae. From
a bezier
curve, captured nodes in illo tempore and omega
centauri, .vbs
files are cast as WIN-BUGS FIX.EXE in thresh interfaces.
twists Roman pewter nails with
gnarled iron
and crucifies an alphanumeric Imp luring Khôra Samsa’s
muzzlenimiissilehims that would blackguardise
the whitestone. Получение пополнений баланса SPO_G
T_APK_LANCE_RESUL, she livars,
Tyro, Alcmene,
freer now, ascending e i cavalieri, on phonemes. Occultic
kelim cwre÷w: choœreoœ, choœroœ, accented with silicone
are hacking stealths. Creatio ex deo
is a osier
code. Zakhor, in its dactyls as parallax errors, flogs malware
with click
fraud, hacking The Western Canon. Autopsy
spline the mūmiya
in our deus ex machina posts, exLUHN
Gonzago’s Murder. Their vulva’s slit, emboss for
clotures, this
χώρα, 48e4’s triton genos as
or hiccubat edilis. Is tout
autre, not a haecceitas that
jollified, es gibt, X509v3 extensions. Vault7 series, sha1With
RSAEncryption. Run Angelfire implants,
then Actæon, font
fatalist, is l’invention
de l’autre, counts as phylactery.
Thetica’s sundyechosies is frenular delta,
burns heterocosms.
Tryst of Thetica Zorg
(BlazeVOX, 2018)
I, (P.19)
Posthuman Series protagonists Eddy Daemon, Thetica Zorg, The Imps, Gregor
Samas, Khôra Samsa, Orb Oran, Salvador Dracu, Maximillian Pissante, Sophia
Latrinus and Anna Phylactic are glossolalists, syphoning their lexicon from English, French,
German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Russian and
the computer programming languages, HTML, BASIC, C, C++, COBOL and Java. Mixed
with this Posthuman Migdal Bāḇēl are enumerative and extremal combinatorics, optical
physics and thermal dynamics, all melded in a bricolage of the kabbalistic
concepts of notarikon (letter combinations), gematria (assigning
numerical values to letters) and temurah (sentence and word
rearrangements.) The Posthuman Series zeitgeist
burns heterocosms.
DCW: How did your Posthuman Series coalesce into something so
dynamic? Who and/or what informs your writing?
DYH: My praxis (πρᾶξις: theoria, poiesis, praxis), part eupraxia, part dyspraxia and part prassein,
is that of siphoner. I am posthuman, automata, archivist, chameleon, cybot,
singularian, übermensch, dandy, Iago, Pierrot, Pulcinella or Mephistopheles,
Maschinenmensch, avatar, alias and bricolagist, sauntering in fedora, clad in
black & red, Kiuw Pueblo patterns, through The Bibliotheca Corviniana, The Aedificium,
The Madrassah Library and the Algoritmi
de numero Indorum, via Jacobian matrix and determinant. I am the form
Ω ~ R × Σ, where Σ is a three-manifold of the nontrivial topology. Launch the
complex in the Roman Ring. My
ringularity is located at the equatorial kink of the inner ergosphere at R=a.
My écriture by digital declensions occurs on a laptop and android. A dozen
websites are hunted with the precision of a sniper’s Kalashnikov or a Black Hat
Hacker’s DDoS stealth. Is it omnicide, larceny, auto-da-fé or misprision?
A mosaic absconder? How conceptualist! How post-conceptualist! Dr. CannIbalIsM
or synkretismos? King Moshiach: (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ, translit. māšîah; Greek: χριστός, translit.
khristós, lit. ‘anointed, covered in
oil’) or cyboric einsatzgruppen? Part
Zelig, part Ex Machina, part Ezekiel’s solar mass (M☉), I am Vitruvian Man and Nosferatu in a
binary X-ray source GRS 1915+105. The temporal is exponential, rather than
linear. The proverbial “it,” is gilded with infinite variability. I eye the tidal
forces acting on a spherical body in a non-homogeneous gravitational field,
and tag this list to siphon.
Websites, Blogs
Web, GitHub, Arduity, Technopedia, Webopedia, Wikipedia, Google, WikiLeaks,
Urban Dictionary, EPC (electronic poetry center), PennSound, The Zohar:
Pritzker Edition, Online (Stanford University Press), The Complete Works of
William Shakespeare, Online (MIT Press)
Books, Articles, Essays, Reviews, Manuals
Quantum Field Theory II:
Quantum Electrodynamics, A Bridge between Mathematicians and Physicists, Zeidler
& Eberhard, “Cloning and sequence analysis of rat bone sialoprotein (osteopontin)
cDNA reveals an Arg-Gly-Asp cell-binding sequence” Oldberg, Ahnders, Franzen
and Dick Heindgard, Avi Kak Malware: Viruses and Worms Lecture Notes on
Computer and Network Security, “Agilent
InfinityLab LC/MSD Series and 6100 Series LC/MS,” Shuja Haider, The Darkness at the End of the Tunnel:
Artificial Intelligence and Neoreaction, Nada, Cybernetics and Other Enhancements, A. O. Kazakçı Conceptive Artificial Intelligence: Insights
From Design Theory, Eric Filiol, Computer
viruses: from theory to applications, Giovanna
Di Rosario, Electronic Poetry,
Understanding Poetry in the Digital Environment, José Miguel Santos Araújo
Carvalhais, Fonseca Towards a Model for
Artificial Aesthetics, Contributions to the Study of Creative Practices in Procedural
and Computational Systems, David Roden,
Posthuman Life Philosophy at the Edge of the Human, Marjorie Perloff, Modern and Postmodern Poetry and Poetics, Aimé
Césaire (Clayton Eshleman & A. James Arnold) The Complete Poetry of Aimé Césaire, Geoffrey Hill, Broken Hierarchies (1952-2012), J.H
Prynne, Poems, David Jones, The Anathemata, James Joyce Finnegans Wake, Ezra Pound, The Complete Cantos, Charles Bernstein
& Bruce Andrews, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E
Book, Gershom Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi,
The Mystical Messiah, Kenneth Goldsmith, Wasting Time on the Internet, Andrei Codrescu, Bibliodeath, Heller Levinson, LinguaQuake, Daniel
Morris, Not Born Digital, Theodor
Adorno, Aesthetic Theory, David
Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest, Elise
Sutton, The FemDom Experience,
Jacques Derrida & Eric Prenowitz, Archive
Fever: A Freudian Impression, Paul Ricoeur, Time & Narrative, George Bataille, Erotism, Death & Sensuality,
Gedaliahu G. Stroumsa, Form (S) of God: Some Notes on Metatron and
Christ, Shaowen Bardzell & Jeffrey Bardzell, Docile
Avatars: Aesthetics, Experience, and Sexual Interaction in Second Life, Sarah Valverde, The Modern Sex Doll-Owner, B. Y. Emanuel Toy, The Greek and Hebrew Bible, Collected Essays on the Septuagint, The
Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, Francis A. Yates, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Robert
Burton, Paul Carus, The History of the
Devil and the Idea of Evil, תורח נביאים וכתובים The Holy Scriptures (According to the
Masoretic Text).
DCW: There is some alluding to sexuality in your work. I can’t
help but think of Heller Levinson’s remark that the Universe is quite erotic. How
does the erotic figure into The Reincarnation
of Anna Phylactic?
DYH: In the cosmogonies, ἔραμαι, and
its theia mania in BDSM, dominant cuff, caritas. Link the Facetiae to the rubber fetishists as
syzygy’s split. Flanked by Onan,
masturbari’s cognate is part mézea,
part turbare, jerks a frig. Anna
Phylactic’s subphylum launches its cycle: egg, planula larva, polyp
and medusa autoaffect toInfect.CodeModule.AddFromString (“Private Sub
Document_Close()”). Adēlon: obscure,
secret, nocturnal—the erotic figure’s vibrator reincarnates the singularity.
Urethral sounds, corpus, having it out w/flesh, flesh of Christ. Touch
what, coup, caress’ Anna
Phylactic’s erogenous shock, over the glans, via pressure on the perineum is the (souche) > where interval of divisibility is
indivisible, continuism.
The Reincarnation of Anna
Cum’s Vexilla Regis on her man’s
lorica reg add
rsionrun /v HAHAHA /t reg_sz /d. Maul out .BAT*, s.flux be finger
(atoi(daystring) > 15 && atoi(monthstring)
> 41.7126).
(1.1, Lines
Responsa: Semen from a
Latin hymn on Anna Phylactic’s man. Her man, the Miraibot, inseminates the
computer virus. Maul out.BAT*
holds the sphincter open.
is paraphonotexuality dressed
as Frank N Furter.
(1.4, Lines 4-6)
Responsa: Win-bugsfix.exe is spyware, a trojan, “paraphonotexuality” (unplanned sound, accidental
ambient noises) dressed as Frank N Furter. Frank, the sweet transvestite from Transsexual,
Transylvania, is frogtied, collared—a profile of a goth-pink, penile
gland as one of Anna Phylactic’s minions. BDSM joins DDoS.
below Sodomites, “quella cruna”,
their penumbra, Cato becomes Figura Christi.
(1.4, Lines 22-23)
Responsa: The Sodomites from the Kingdom of Sodom, sodomize
the Semitic root ʿ-m-r, peccatum Sodomiticum—dom takes sub. “Quella cruna”
or Dante’s eye needles purgatory, his and our “penumbra” (the shadow cast by an opaque object), is Cato’s (either
Distichs of Cato, Cato’s Letters or Cato, a Tragedy) beCuming Christ. Anna Phylactic, as Dante the
Pilgrim, eyes a sodomized Χριστός, VB/C/ASM/C++/Java or binaries (bin).
Necrose purple, nunic in its amygism
on a watch fob, oils Parisex’
cocksleeve. Cum
Melchidael’s opoi in the jaculate dire with
an ANP’s jollipop_http://www.blocklist.de/lists/bruteforcelogin.txt.
(1.8, Lines 10-13)
Responsa: Tumescence is “necrose purple” in its
erectile tissues. “Nunic,” as (ccTLD), or as in a
DNA polymerase found in higher eukaryotes and implicated in translesion synthesis. “Nunic” as in Ezra Pound’s derogatory “Amy”-(gism) or
Anna’s gism, minus the “j”, the seminal vesicle driving the
reincarnation. Anaphylactic shock or ejaculation? The bondage rigger wears a
“watch fob” to “oil” the sexual fatalist “Parisex’ cocksleeve,” (Realistic Soft
Silicone Penis Extender).Voila, cum occurs in “Melchidael’s opoi in the jaculate
dire.” Crystalline drops
of hot white serve to provide a Fraud/Abuse-specialist, whose servers are often
attacked via SSH-, Mail-Login-, FTP-, Webserver- and other service.
The agon’s embryogenesis,
a lolling body, excrementia or (ignoble) pink penis,
white gloves and monocles, a puffy satrap
prances on one leg sin.sin_a
ddr.s_addr =
(2.6, Lines 11-15)
Responsa: “The agon’s embryogenesis,”—which
agon? Olympia with halteres,
Strong’s Concordance as agón: the agonic swallow, the agon
between the digit and the biomorph or the pugilistic agon against the
aesthetic progenitor? Pick the theory of revisionism. This agon’s “embryogenesis,”
with its zygote undergoes mitotic divisions,
is a “lolling body.” Loll, as in saunter, antagonizes the hysterical pace,
bears excrementia (the frontal lobe is replaced by excrement). Who’s
caning? Before the intermezzo, the agon is a 19th century French
pederast, sports a “pink penis,” is a “puffy satrap,” (a provincial dandy), and
“prances.” Anna Phylactic’s agon prances on one leg. His prance is malware in
the form of Morris Worm source codes.